Star Trek Las Vegas, NV - Even More Klingon Fun

Back to the Rio Hotel for another Star Trek convention!

Me in the middle, having a blast!

For my 3rd Star Trek convention, I decided to try something different. I created a costume based on the villains from the original series. Leave me a note in the comments if you know which episode it is from! I even made the weapon!

Of course, I couldn't go without donning my Klingon persona, right? I made a necklace based on the Chancellor's chain of command and it turned out amazing!

Not really sure why he's so happy...

The cosplayers get better every year!

He, of course, won!

More photos from the convention:

I attended a Klingon Feast at a different hotel. They took us all by bus and walked us through the casino to get to the private event. It... had Star Trek burlesque dancers.


My friend Sherri won a Klingon flag at the Feast! Lucky gal!

Klingon food, Las Vegas style!

Did someone feed that Klingon a lemon?????

Anyway, back to the convention......................

My Body by Starfleet group photo! I'm holding the sign. 
Tell me in the comments if you recognize the guy on the left!
Hint: he probably has latinum in his pockets.

This is a much better photo of the guy who won the costume contest!
